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Sunday, August 21, 2011

This is the beginning of a New Beginning!

Starting 08/22/11 My hubby and I are on a journey. To where you ask? A healthier life. What does that mean exactly? I'm so glad that you asked.

I  have come to realize that getting better is harder then I thought. I just thought "Mind over Matter." I was wrong. Emotional and physical well being cant solely dictated by my thoughts.

I was taking 6-8 meds at a time and multiple times a day. I have come off of all the medications that I am able to at this time. I do still take an anti-depressant as depression has been a horrible demon for me since Jimmy deployed to Iraq. I have lowered the dose tremendously though. I am also still taking my thyroid medication. I am told that I wont ever be able to come off of that. I'm still not completely sold on that. I also take vitamins and some other natural herbs.

As most of you know, I have gained a lot of weight since 04/2009 which was when I had my hysterectomy. I am now taking control of that. I have gained somewhere around 65 lbs. Yikes! I am very dedicated to lose the weight, I am going to start slow but I'm not going to stop. I had a very candid talk with my husband this morning and we decided that we are going to take our puppy Koda for a walk every morning at the park. I am also dedicated to coming home, showering and getting ready for the day. Even though I do not have a job, I know that this is absolutely necessary.  I will also begin my Pilate's in the evenings again.

My husband is so amazing, I told him that I was going to be resistant at times but that I need him more then ever right now. I told him that I wouldn't want to go walk and work out every single day but that I need him to make me go. That the end result will be well worth it. He has always believed in me and grabbed my hand and told me "I'm in if you are." So simple yet so meaningful. I love him with all my heart.

I will be taking pictures to show my progress. Don't worry I wont be posting them right now. But when I feel ready and that there is enough progress to show then I will start that as well.

Please keep me in your prayers!

<3 The Mrs.

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