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Thursday, September 8, 2011

I can't believe how long it's been.....

I haven't been feeling up to doing much of anything lately. I haven't blogged since Aug 26th so its about time that I get to it.

So, from that last sentence you can tell that I haven't been doing very well (health wise.) Jimmy and I are walking at the park when I am up to it. Not everyday like I had hoped but it's a start.

I'm not able to comment on any of the blogs that I am subscribed to and that's irritating me lol.

So random today. My head isn't on right but I wanted to get something on here.

I have been on the "freebie" sites and really enjoying getting freebies in the mail. Its kinda like Christmas lol. I have received 3 full size Atkins bars, 2 samples of Huggies diapers, breathe right strips, some stickers, perfume and coloring pages for Breanna and my nephews. I have ordered SO much stuff but it takes a while to get here 4-6 weeks on average. I'm thinking about starting to blog on that too lol. Who doesn't love free right? Especially if you are wanting to try before you buy or if you are like me and like to have extras in case you run out. The diapers I will NEVER need but I thought it would be good to give to the nursery at church.

The weather has been fantastic! I haven't had my air conditioner on since Saturday!!!! If you know me, you know that I can NOT live with out it but its truly been beautiful! Makes walking really nice in the evenings.

OK well that's all for now!


  1. I wanna learn teach me o wise one!

  2. Heather! I have been wondering how you've been then I seen your blog list via Lindsay Jackson! Breanna is beautiful, and NINE!...WOW!
